Saturday, June 18, 2011

Being Under the Dyer...Who Knew?

The other day, I went to get my hair done after school. It was an exhausting day and I had lost a battle with a nasty sinus infection. I already felt feverish, and it was time to sit under the dryer to let my highlights set. I already read all of the trashy gossip magazines, so I picked up a Better Homes and Garden magazine. My eye went to the summer recipe section and I started perusing. I started weighing my options. Who would see me if I just stole the magazine? Or...who would hear me ripping out the pages in the magazine and shoving them in my sweatshirt? Being as one of my best friends is my hairdresser, I didn't want to do anything to embarrass her at work, so I took pictures of the magazine pages with my phone. Pleasantly surprised with the photo quality, I snapped away and before I knew it, I had 15 new recipes to try! Who knew I could get 15 new recipes while sitting under the dryer letting my highlights set? Now if that isn't multitasking, I don't know what is!

Tonight, I tried the Thai Chicken Tacos. They were a huge hit, and a really healthy meal! My husband raved about them, and even went as far to say that it would impress Tom Coclichio from Top Chef. They were good...but I didn't make my own tortillas. That is the Top Chef kiss of death. Allison...please pack your knives and go.

Here is the recipe:
1 lime, halved
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts; cut into cubes or strips
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 large shallot, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 Tbsp. fish sauce
2 tsp reduced-sodium soy sauce
1/2 t0 1 tsp crushed red pepper
1/2 to 1 tsp hot chili sauce
2 Tbsp. vegetable oil

Juice one lime half (about 1 Tbsp.); cut remaining half in wedges. In bowl stir together chicken, cilantro, shallot, garlic, the 1 Tbsp. lime juice, fish sauce, soy sauce, pepper, and chili sauce. Cover; refrigerate 1 hour. In large skillet cook chicken mixture in hot oil over medium-high heat 5 minutes or until chicken is cooked, stirring occasionally.

Put inside a tortilla (I used flour, but corn would be good too) with your favorite veggies. Tonight, we made it with red and yellow peppers, and baby bok choy.

Like I said above, it was really flavorful, and easy! Definitely will be making this one again!

My Mission

Now that summer is 2 1/2 days away (in school days), I get to start thinking about cooking again! I really want to challenge myself this summer and actually open some of the cookbooks on my shelf. I am an obsessive cookbook buyer because I love the idea that I'll have lots of time to spend cooking and eating new food. I decided that I would try at least 5 new recipes each week. Okay...lets maybe be realistic and say for sure 3! I also want to try the recipes out of the cookbooks on my pot rack. This summer, I am going to choose 1 source to get my recipes (magazine, cookbook, emails, recommendations, etc.) and try a couple different recipes. How many times have we bought a cookbook or magazine because it looked amazing, but we really have no idea what the food is like? I'm going to try and see what kind of food these chefs are cooking! The context of this blog is combing my favorite TV show, Anna and Kristina's Grocery Bag on OWN Network (oh do you always know what I am going to love?) and my favorite movie, Julie and Julia. Anna and Kristina choose 1 cookbook and try 5-7 recipes and cook them for a famous chef. I don't have famous chefs at my disposal but I do have a hungry husband, family members, and foodie friends that hopefully won't be complaining about the food I make for them with love! So...this summer as I take 3 classes for my Masters in Education, plan for my next year's second graders, raise a 8 week old puppy, and be a wonderful wife...I will take on this cooking challenge as well. Cross your wooden spoons for me!